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Phase one of holiday cards complete. Opened door at home to the smell of meatballs cooking. Yum!
Scup's brought back the oatmeal I like. Yes, just for me, my name was on the sign. :)
Off to Scup's for brunch, then I'll try and get some stuff done at the studio. These Christmas cards aren't going to make themselves.
SNOW! I love snow with the fierceness of an eight year old getting the day off to go play in it.
Uploading the last of the shots taken looking out the window on the train ride home from Maine
Getting something cool for the yankee swap at work.
I'm supposed to be Christmas shopping, but so far I'm just adding things to my amazon wish list.
My hot delicious pizza is not coming from domino's, it's coming from dough, where they actually know how to make a great pizza.
@tara2pata Gee, you gonna be able to see over the players? ;)
I am clearing out the tasks in my inbox today. Y'all can stop sending me email if you want to help ;) and exchange server are refusing to talk to each other again, making do with outlook via web until they are over their snit fit
Went to bed with headache, woke up with headache. Going out for some breakfast anyway, I've missed Scup's.
@klawed OTOH, I am eagerly awaiting snow and won't believe it is coming til it I can see it. Weather people are just guessing and/or lying.
Enjoying a dagoba milk chocolate bar. Mmmm, chocolate.
@jwaonline Let's just say support of Macs here is... uneven, but improving.
Actually have wireless working at the office. Will wonders never cease?
My eyes are watering from the onions SWSNBT cut up in the next room. There is no point in being this wussy. I mean sensitive.
@amcafee Spore. Loved the print ads for that, especially the ones plastered all over Harvard Square T. Strong graphics, offbeat, amusing.
@aabhowell I resisted because it seemed like overkill, but now I really like it. Being able to group people is helpful.
@bokardo I wouldn't say hunt, but I expect to see one on the about page. I also look to see where else they are (like flickr and twitter)


Dan Cederholm Alex Chris Brogan Adam Broitman Ian Wilker Brittney Joe Eastham Kevin Gamble Clint Ecker jessamyn west Bryce Darth Vader Ben Buchanan Jason Kelly dmkanter carol o Kris - PBwiki team Connie Crosby Michael Kowalchik K.G. Schneider Joshua Porter Holly Scatamacchia Kristie Kim M. Bayne Scott Williamson Phil Gross David Wilkinson Simon Young Medley beth rhinelander Jennifer Bishop Dante Cassanego deb markham Ed Illig Tricia Deanna Troi
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