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In a couple of hours I get to hand out gifts to 400 needy kids. I heart my job.
@mammaloves I was debating if I wanted to be naughty or nice this year. After seeing prison life, definitely nice.
Just finished a prison tour. Don't ever break the law. Ever.
@Issascrazyworld What's the Holiday Card Exchange? I'm assumming this means I'd actually have to make a holiday card to exchange, right?
Man, I have had some SERIOUS writer's block lately with the ol' blog. I am even having Twitter block so this is what youg get from me today.
@AnissaMayhew Gutter crowd? I resemble that remark.
@AnissaMayhew Did someone say jell-o? I'm now changing the channel to CNN.
@ksmom I tried to get an iPhone for my wife as surpise birthday gift but couldn't get it out of the store without activating. Didn't buy it.
It's raining, It's pouring, but this old man is definitely NOT snoring. *sigh*
@Tastelikecrazy LOL! Yes, Virgin. Must have been a Freudian thing.
Watching 40 year old version. Crying from laughing. "Owwwwwww, Kelly Clarkson!!!!"
Kids have been chatting away for an hour and a half during "nap time." I know two toddlers who are going to bed early tonight!
@jvanderson I hear ya bout the YMCA locker rooms. Many Y's are now building Family Locker rooms to help in this area.
Fantasy Football is giving me an ulcer. Metrodad better be sweatin' it too.
President Bush was attacked by a pair of shoes in Iraq today. News reports they were "size 10" shoes. That's fine reporting. Details.
@UpsideUp Yes! They even make them to look like Christmas Presents.
@yoga_mama I think the cold air causes more mucus to be made which makes it into your lungs which you then cough up.
@Rattling Nice to see you married up.
Back to watching Pretty Woman and Swee'Pea keeps referring to Richard Gere as Julia Robert's dad. lol
@jamiain Yeah, what once didn't seem to bad suddenly becomes not -so-kid-friendly. What happened to those simpler times?!


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