hober’s Favorites

Jeremy Keith
adactio Yahoo are bunch of fucking twunts. What kind of dribbling moronic company lays off someone like @BenWard? Fuckwits. Cockbadgers. Pisstards.
kirinqueen OH You can do whatever you want, Ted. It's your special day.
hober Tomorrow we're celebrating Advent in that most wonderful of ways: the Twelve Pubs of Christmas. 30th St. will never be the same. DM for info
Kevin Marks
kevinmarks "the younger generation chats digitally, and the older generation treats those chats as written correspondence." Schneier
Paul Downey
psd OH: "web standards development is 'tricky' so we used flash" - "that's like being given a Big Mac in a restaurant 'cos cooking is 'tricky'"
ilovemypitbull I'll get caned for a 20% top marginal tax rate.
Aaron Massey
screwdriver Ok, I know it's art but enough with the creepy Obama posters everywhere, hasn't started yet & getting a Kim Jung Il vibe.
nebyoolae past tense of tweet is most likely "there is no past tense because it's all about the NOW...MAN" #sdtweetup
catoinstitute If politicians genuinely want to help the economy, they should focus on reducing the burden of government, not increasing it. - Dan Mitchell
joelgrus wishes there was a word to describe the economic system where government takes ownership stakes in the largest automobile manufacturers
Nat Torkington
gnat If companies, industries, & states can't fail and suffer consequences, where's the feedback loop to correct their erroneous practices?
MarsPhoenix 01010100 01110010 01101001 01110101 01101101 01110000 01101000 <3
radleybalko apparently, i was ridiculed by rush limbaugh today. that counts for something, right?
Will Wilkinson
willwilkinson I just don't like presidents. Projecting so much aspiration on a single good man with power to make things happen is depressingly primate.
rands If your gut instinct is "Schedule a meeting", you're part of the problem.
ilovemypitbull I'm ashamed to admit I voted (not for Obama or McCain). I've lost all my cred. If I ever vote again, I'm going to write my own name in.
ReShun Davis
reshun Anyone else think this site is useless?
Mark Paschal
markpasc i've had two entertainments this year engrossing enough to want to curl up inside and never leave: Twilight Princess and Anathem
djangopony Having lunch with the Fail Whale. Apparently his schedule is finally clearing up.


Jason Cosper Mr Messina thomasknoll Dan Cederholm Kelly Abbott Steve Ganz Dimitri Glazkov farsam James Corbett Keith Jeremy Keith Peter Saint-Andre Tantek Çelik Ben Ward Derek Featherstone Simon Willison Joshua Brewer Garrett Dimon Taylor McKnight Brian Suda mattbo Stevievep Ryan King Jeff Croft cindy li rands Julian Krause jimbo wales Nick Zadrozny Kevin Marks Brad Fults Marina Martin Dmitry Baranovskiy Brian Cavalier Crystal Williams Damon C
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