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@kamichat Yeah, GM would be interested in doing something around PRSA Detroit. Connect with @AdamDenison, he's our Twitter dude.
@ScottMonty Nice tweet... you big meanie. Next time remind me not to pick up the check. ;-)
Am late for dinner with @scottmonty. Scott, I am on my way.
Learning some lessons about how to do Tweetups next time. No harm in learning though, right?
Ouch. So now our guests "get" to listen to the briefing for the GM drivers tomorrow? We should have planned this a little better. Sorry!
Next time we host a Tweetup, we'll do it some place where there's not a bigger draw in the same building. ;-)
Well that didn't go quite as planned! No one wanted to chat - they all went straight to the cars!
At the GM Heritage Center about to host the Aug Detroit Tweetup. Doors just opened.
Why is it that the screeching baby is *ALWAYS* in the row behind or in front of me???
@ecedo laughing out loud. touche.
@ecedo Sure, legend can trump truth. That's why it's so frustrating to see people passing it on. ;-) Hope to see you Aug 15.
@ecedo By the way, the "Nova" thing was an urban legend. It just wasn't so.
@ecedo Yes, we're all glad that Scott is in Detroit too.
I know I'm way behind on this, but: Stupid move, Hasbro. Couldn't look more like a lumbering corp giant if they tried.
Laptop gets no wireless signal at Charlotte airport. Can that really be? How does an airport exist in 2008 without a wireless network?
@shelisrael It's my observation that Twitter is almost ALWAYS all about monologues, even when people are replying to one another. :-)
@rjsauter Thanks for the bday wishes and happy 40th to you as well!
@Lish I am fine with the world knowing how old I am. It's not like I get carded at the liquor store anymore - can't fake being in my 20s!
@AdamDenison I have *not* been dropping hints. I just felt there was nothing to hide -- and that y'all were going to get me anyway.


Mike Manuel Chris Brogan Doug Haslam Alex de Carvalho  Chris Heuer BostonDave giovanni Busy Mom Leif Hansen Derek Mehraban Kami Huyse Andy Rodriguez David Binkowski kellypuffs rick sadlowski Ian Hughes Phil Gomes Andy Piper Roo Reynolds Martin Packer Mitch Joel Stephen Tompkins Chip Griffin Jennifer Fader Luis Suarez Kameya Shows Kristen Ann Glenn Aaron Uhrmacher Shel Holtz Laura P Thomas Jeremiah Staes Lionel Menchaca Tom Stitt aaron tang Sean
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