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Smallville sucks. Who do those fuckers think they are?
I would like it noted that I could totally kick @chucknorris_'s ass.
I scored 1,000,000 on
I really wish Batman would tell Robin how gay he looks in that outfit.
Super Fact #2: As far north as the Fortress of Solitude is, I still have to pay taxes in Canada.
Super Fact #1: I can type 14,000 words per minute.
Thinking about leaving the Daily Planet for a lucrative career in blogging.
Kryptonite condom! HA! Mallrats never gets old.
I tried to throw a house party at the Fortress of Solitude. No one came. I blame Google Maps.
Speaking of my Super ass, no one can do blue tights and red underwear like this cat. I'm like sex in spandex, baby!
Wow. @darthvader added me. I guess that means I need to get my Super ass back on Twitter.
Spent the weekend alone with Lois, reminding her why they call me "Superman" ;)
@Animal Man: You're right. I'm probably over-reacting. I'll give him a couple days. Thanks for returning my call.
Hmmm... Krypto doesn't seem to be eating. I wonder if I should call Animal Man.
@Bruce: Shut up. We ALL wear tights. Ass.
I don't care what Batman says... this cape is boss.
Fortress of "Solitude"? What was I thinking. No wonder I don't get visitors. I should have called it "Fortress of Awesome."
Tried playing fetch with Krypto, but the little guy doesn't seem into it today.
I just realized if I connect my DVD player to my holographic crystal thingy, I can totally skip this Blu-ray vs. HD-DVD nonsense. Sweetness!
Chilling in the Fortress of Solitude. Kind of lonely... but I suppose that's the point.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Tony Stubblebine Dom Sagolla sara Kati veen Maggie Mason Matt Galligan kohtz Jessica Grant Shellen seanbonner Ian Hay Ross la luna negra karina tedr !ianus keller harry Paul Thrasher Mr Messina Jonathan Greene enoch choi Michael Parekh Levi McCallum Paul Terry Walhus Robert Occhialini chaz adam Hillary Hartley tommy payne Camron Flanders Jason Ruby