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@ian_crowther my influence is nary so wide. bacon count: 9
bacon count: 6. maybe i should give up vegetarianism.
bacon count is up to 5
today: 3 people tweeting about bacon.
i would have fallen asleep in my clothes if i hadn't already been in my pajamas.
Labors of Hercules: check.
@cfurj because it's part of my coffee empire. Kio's Koffee Kup.
Apple-S, Apple-S, Apple-S, Apple-S.
The distraction engine at work: in the middle of revising chapter 9, i pause to execute a medicine-cabinet purge.
today's book-finishing talismans: rostropovich and oatmeal
after all this time thinking i borrowed it from luc sante, it turns out "my lost city" is Fitzgerald's line.
I got a lenticular toy in my kinderĂ¼berrauschung. They're upscaling, apparently.
everyone please go look at the moon before it sets. low, east. BIG. (nyc)
in cities other than new york, people go pick people up at the airport
Everyone was wisecracking in the post office line this morning.
@naveen you need your teeth for that
Sometimes what Neil is thinking about is profoundly over my head.
tag as mundane_queries: @ chicks does anybody still make tights that score zero on the shine index? like oldschool ballet tights.
from correspondent mom: power's massively out in southern VT, landlines dead, many cell towers dead too.
One thing i always forget about Gattaca is how at the beginning the doctor tells ethan hawke how well hung he is.


Michael Sharon irwin Richard gac naveen Josh Knowles Jennifer Bove molly Enrique Ramirez Liz Danzico Mia Eaton slavin Mike Dory Adam Greenfield Clay Wiedemann Nick Bilton Clay Shirky Neil Freeman Fred Scharmen myrrh annie Marisa_ Dave Mason cate mason james luckett MadameZee donald barthelme hudson.lines Buckminster Fuller sampotts rachaelsix MarsPhoenix Genevieve Futrelle JeffSharlet leahbeeferman Ian Crowther