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watched christmas vacation tonight. Man, that movie never gets old
#8 - Giving In Order To Get (i.e. Tax Returns): I was visiting a church one time and they had a special announce..
@EricAlan Change "not all" to "no" and you will be on the right track.
Third time in 3 months the water heater has gone out. What I wouldn't give to stick it to the man right now.
@joejoeleamo appears I am an idiot. Yes, that was a reply to you. Twitter confuses me sometimes.
i will. we have a gift for your dear little one as well.
@joejoeleamo if i told you, I would have to kill you
@jakebouma sounds good to me. We'll find some time after the new year.
@TravisEnsley I know of a townhouse for sale.
@jakebouma didn't mean to nudge you. Your pic looks like a mug shot after you robbed a store in a santa hat. We should meet sometime.
Perfect night for my award winning chili. Secret ingredients? Beer and buffalo wing sauce - could life be better?
processing all the info from our meeting about a merger between Echo Park Church and Two Rivers Church
@ahermanson there has never been a show worth more show ever
@pjross i often dream about your chocolate chip pancakes
#7 - Stealing For The Glory Of God: Out of all the things I have written about thus far, this has been and will..
@jakebouma used to work there...worst job ever.
@bmick and is it a whirlpool?
@bmick I did that for about 3 weeks straight. A good trick is to boil a huge pot of water then mix it in with your cold water to bathe
@ashleyjean a plane - that's more fun.


Justin Wise Jake Bouma Shane Vander Hart Andy Hermanson Nick Reed Donald Miller mitchmatthews andreagrillet Eric Goranson pjross joejoeleamo Heath Lewis Michael Novotny Jeff Williams Jordan Foxworthy bmick lannydonoho ashleyjean Luke Brown alexlangpaul Stephanie Lovelace mmclausen Travis Westwind Church kelseywilliams 4Jesus4Ever