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@JayWagner Act all french and superior, i'm guessing.
@BarackObama How can I get hooked up with a yard sign?
On my 6th interview of the day. Shameless self promotion is hard work.
Took my eyes off him for a minute and my shirtless 2 year old spread ranch dip on his nipples. guessing he learned that from his dad.
New Obama ad running in Iowa - about his growing up and character. Nice work. Nice ad.
My 2 year old is obsessed with Skeletons. Should I be concerned?
@ShannanB I'm guessing so! Makes me feel old!
@ShannanB Congrats on winning the battle. My fight is usually with dreamweaver. I've been reading your blog for while, but have i said hi?
SIL fwd me email re Obama = antichrist. I replied to all with Was I wrong? She said I was over the top
Just made myself chuckle. Sounds like a good way to end a friday afternoon. Okay, more than chuckle, i'm funny today.
Now i have one more reason that i hope "that one" wins
I need to do a venting tweet cause I can't say it to who I want to say this to: CHILL OUT! I GOT IT UNDER CONTROL.
Heading to NW IA (aka McCain/Palin country) If my first tweet upon return uses phrase "six pack joe" u have permission to shoot me.
@JayWagner Advice about the hair thing - head may hurt a bit when it falls out, so shaving eliminates that a bit.
@nathantwright Now I have a complex. It says I don't exist. So I suppose that is worse than being worth $0 eh?
Gosh I'm looking forward to tonight's vp debate. Is it bad that I'm hoping for a blood bath?
1 teething 2 year old + 1 teething 8 month old = mommy needs a time out (for those of you keeping score at home)
Apparently my children think causing me sleep depreviation will break me down. Uh, yea...they were right.
Huz asked my 2 year old if he had gas. 2 year old spent the next hour asking to see gas and where was gas and was gas outside?


Dave Drew McLellan Barack Obama Claire Celsi Mike Gorski Mike Sansone David Howell Scott Parent Catherine Connors Nathan T. Wright Dooce Jon Armstrong Javier Lozano Jay Ehret BrettTrout Jeremy Bingaman Josh Scanlan Geoffrey Alexander jandqsmom Jennic Law chrispunke Guy Kawasaki Bob Santi andy brudtkuhl AngelaMaiers Scott Phillips Robert Jensen DrakeUniversity jerikpotter Jay Wagner Adam Lackey DMRegister Kathy Landin Kevin T. McCarthy AlexanderDSM