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wget is awesome! Saved me so much time this morning. Lot to be said for command line tools!
@steveapple For some reason I'm feeling the exact opposite about today!
@deronsizemore Yes. I start all my EE projects wondering where the hell I'm gonna start!
@expandrive Hi, I wanted to try Expandrive with the non-beta version of MacFuse, but my demo period is up. Anything you can do to help?
Today was a good CSS day. For once. Thankfully.
@shecodes Sue. I couldn't agree more. I should probably spend my time perfecting my css skills first however!
Have literally no idea what I'm doing for the next 2 days!
@chriscoyier Really happy to hear about the iPhone versions Chris. Perfect timing for me!
@markbowen haha! Well I was only thinking of doing it to learn a new skill. We shall see!
More ExpressionEngine work lined up for the new year. Nice one. Having said that I'm considering doing my personal site in Wordpress!
@steveapple a fellow PS3 owner and a Mac fan. Nice one!
Funny old day today. Started busy, then twiddling my thumbs for a while, then busy again right at closing time. Typical!
@sazp Empathise re: clients getting hold of a site and "changing it" - lots of sites out there that don't trace back to me for same reason!
@chriscoyier Still a big Lost fan here too. Last season made up for the earlier decline. Looking forward to new ones in Jan
This Christmas promo video made me laugh on a cold winters day...
Another morning wrestling with domains, email setups and VPS's. Joy.
Last wotiing Monday before Christmas. Here's praying for an easy week!
@bengribbin Nice one! Probably about time I did the same!
I like this time of year
Looking forward to a curry tonight!


Dan Cederholm Paul Burdick Jeremy Keith Hickensian Richard Rutter Veerle Pieters Paul Boag Warren, Mr. Warren Ryan Irelan Ryan Carson Lodewijk Schutte FullCreamMilkMan Jeff Croft Cameron Moll Malarkey Jason Santa Maria Jeffrey Zeldman Stephen Hay Leslie Camacho Eskymo Ingmar Greil Sue Crocker Lisa Eric A. Meyer vinnyio Simon Collison Dave Shea [i] Collective Idea Chris Coyier Sean Sperte Mark Huot Chris Askew Andre Angstmann Arthur Banks Christina Angstmann mikos
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