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@DenisGobo oh the Bulldog. I was there once, apparently.
just surfaced into the real world. Not too well today. Stayed home moping.
@wezmaynard mine varies based on what I can get away with but never below <cough> pounds
aww forgot about those little plastic clips you used to get on bread. So much better than the bloody tape they use now
@LizS4ra My dad's a Prison Officer. You're pretty much spot on ;-)
They *almost* got the logo graphic to display in proportion too. Crikey.
"Dear NatWst Internet Banking, Your grammar is appalling. Please review your literary skills or I shall be forced to close my account."
once again Phishers show their ability to completely fail at making an email sound English, let alone convincing. IS IT THAT HARD?
@alexeld right now, I don't care. It works. I can move on and forget about it :) I don't do enough Flash to worry. Avoid it if I can.
aha? Array.inArray() ?
Is there an actionscript 2.0 function to check whether something is in an array?
@clflava Just wait for tomorrow. Then you can look on the brightside about today :)
@markboulton depends whether the airport has more than 12 gates or not. :)
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Star Wars Lego bargain at Argos. V19-Torrent reduced from £49 to £25 and I only seemed to pay £20 for it.
problem relates to startDrag and stopDrag with combo boxes. Once made draggable, dropdown click is intercepted even after stopDrag
need flash advice again! Hard to explain problem in 140chars though!
@rem @fordie I have one too, It's a great bag.
@bobbyllew I tuck my Twitterific window down off the bottom right of the screen so the window doesn't intrude. I use Growl for notifications


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