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@conrey hmmm I'll try. but that's an easy route to an instant perv card. and I don't want that.
@lancearmstrong I think you need a blog too.
models are gathering outside of my office. the ratio is even so far 2 males and 2 females. 1 of these girls is CUTE.
i thought we were in a recession, everyone on flickr is picking up new Canon 5DII's! gimme one if you've got so much dang money!
Totally stoked to maybe have a place! Fingers crossed.
@gruber concur on all points.
I'm done the http://personalityflatline.... podcasts I almost feel like when I ran out of Jake and Amir's when I first discovered that. :(
"the human body must have a coefficient. I'm sure somebody has measured that." @squanderingtime on dead whore insulation. priceless.
@tysoncrosbie epsiode 3 on awesome points is ALSO intense.. but less making me smart. haha
@squanderingtime whoa. I am smarter now because of episode 2 about 802.11. wow.
@squanderingtime the fedex packets part is hilarious.
oh.. umm that last tweet was in reference to http://personalityflatline.... too awesome.
funniest shit on the internet, next to the sploded LOLcat. @squanderingtime is hilarious as always and @curtism is also brilliant as always.
I love the internet. It's basically stay-indoors weather across the country and flickr, tumblr, twitter and blogs are blowing up like crazy.
every once in a while something SO basic totally mesmerizes me.. please, don't judge... but hair, hair is totally weird and gross and cool
I'm at Arapahoe Ave & 6th St, Boulder, CO 80302, United States -
@jimjeffers yeah they are really good. the way they use their grid on their site is quite nice too.
@jimjeffers interesting. well props to the Happy Cog kids then. We'll see how 2.7 fairs amongst the crowds.
@bugfrog apparently it's one of the worst insults you can receive there. so.. they throw shoes. seems fairly insulting to me. ha.


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