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Fighting some of the worst self-doubt there is: the "Not Good Enough" variety. The upside to this is that the day can only get better.
If I was going to make a list of worst websites of the year, #1 would be AT&T's
Just made a "to sort" folder on the desktop. Eventually I'll just drag it into the old "clean up" folder.
Waiting in bank drive thru, thanking VW for making seat warmers standard on the base Rabbit
@decibeloh thank ya kind sir. We're super excited & proud to be included in the mag, & extra thrilled to print the shirt on the front cover!
The whole house smells like pine. And not that fake Glade pine.
I just learned a new word: tercentenary - 300th anniversary. As a child of the 70's, perhaps I'll live to see the US tercentennial in 2076!
@luxuryluke though I might look like a lumberjack, we ordered the wood pre-split. I'm all about the outfits.
Delivered to the house today: A cord of wood.
Sunlight, I miss you.
Dan's off to play at graduation ceremonies. This means he's going to need some projects to keep him busy around the house over the break.
It's 4 am, I'm very awake, and my scalp is kinda itchy and burning where my hair is thinning. Alopeciainsomnia.
I don't usually link-up on twitter, but I'm making exception:
Today we're printing something special.
Dan's brushing up on piano w/ Christmas carols. I not only don't mind, I love having a partner that plays music. Tis is a very nice thing.
Dan's students are over after a great Chamber Orchestra performance. They're full of energy. Finals are next week. Oh to be young.
Our local cable operator has _finally_ settled with NBC and put the channel back in our line-up. Now I can wake up with Willard Scott again.
Overcast day just got super sunny on the inside: Wendy's mom is letting me borrow her camera (a pristine 20D) to use until I get a new one.
Put up sheer curtains in the front window. They're a little "granny," but were cheap so they'll do. Our neighbors are either pleased or sad.
II am proud to be from Ohio, in this moment


Scott Beale Dan Cederholm Josh Bryant noel Matt Jacobs John Logan Jena luxuryluke Scott Boms Grant Hutchinson Greg Storey C Jason Santa Maria Chris Ainsworth Joe Clark Sommar Virginia Murdoch Jack Cheng Jason Perkins Grettir Bill Keaggy KiltBear Scott natalief LC Angell CM Harrington Naz Hamid Andrew Huff Matt Haughey Peter Baker edbury Bryan Jay Travis Gertz Rachel Barack Obama dave menninger
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