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so, difficult part of RDFa is that xml:lang in html elt produces something <#no168> ov:thickness ".004"@en . which is, eh, nonsense.
eleven OWL2 documents, six of which are last calls ... no time to read :(
wants to talk to @libbymiller re hcard/rdf things ... but later
@bengee, yes, and rdf/vcard, too
@oxfordben, starting point is RDF Calendar Workspace ( and www-rdf-calendar ml (nearby link form there)
glad that RDF calendar namespace URI to be clarified
geo:lat_long not necessarily "should probably be removed", it seems to be more useful than separate geo/lat in RDFa
@BenWard, it has probably been the same small font, just my userstyle has been adjusting it, and seems to fail now due to some changes ;-)
bah, what an awful style - html {font-size: small}
@bengee, now preparing a small set of test data for utf-8 in ARC2. will mail you later
glad to read an article by 'newly back in semweb land' @libbymiller :)
ugh, microformats wiki changed its design to microfont... what a bad idea
@bengee, will send some, hopefully today or tomorrow
trying latest version of ARC2 ... seems still extracting triples from comments, and some i18n query not working ... will check more later
hmm, RDF/vCard properties still have domains vCard, i.e. not usable to describe a person
@vant, congrats on your debut :)
RDFa Syntax and Processing is a W3C Recommendation (dated Oct. 14)
well, it's for RDFa, and automatic fetch/proc from xmlns in root will be useless overload for non RDFa docs, so to be used in profile attr
XHTML namespace doc is now working as GRDDL profile ... but is it to be used for profile attr in head elt, along with xmlns in root ?
@i2k, HTTPヘッダでX-XRDS-Locationを設定していたのを忘れてました。IdPを切り替えたらOpenIDで認証できました。お騒がせしました...


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