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I know we need this rain... but I also know I need a new roof... This is gonna be a long winter
Finally time to stick it to comcast: just switched to $14/mo plan after comcast raised "basic digital cable" to 72 f'ing dollars/mo
Helping heather cook latkes by tasting each batch. So far so good.
Christmas lights are up. For at least a day or two we are the most colorful house on the block
Eye patches just aren't bad ass anymore, someone please tell Tom Cruise he looks like a Nazi jester
Ok 27 minutes in and NY city rats and disfigured pigeons gel the princess clean up... kinda funny
Tricked Into watching Enchanted... Waiting for the ironic twist
What a morning... My 1 y.o. Has officially hit the terrible twos
Yay, cheap musical keyboard! Wonder if this is the last year I can buy my kids presents on craigslist without them knowing any better
Oops just poured half the sugar dish into my wife's coffee... let's see if she notices
Finally through airport security with screaming crying three year old... Was wondering if the TSA was going to confiscate him
Waiting/dreading a tech support call from my parents
Black Friday at the mall again... Fortunately it's The Mall:
Short lines in south Berkeley!
Ok kids dropped off, next stop voting! Yeehaw... I can't believe how excited I am. Maybe because it's 8 years in the making?
Up early and can't wait to vote
A lot of hugging going on on line at the bowl today... Because Halloween is over? Because Obama love is spilling over to the grocery store?
Berkeley bowl is extra crazy today - I think everyone got rained out of the farmers markets and came here
Witnessing my son's first snickers


bear jag Kevin Rose Barak Bob Ippolito Kesava Barack Obama Skud Maninder Kahlon Mitch Kapor fantasai Ian Bicking ariel backenroth Donna Snow seth combs JT Warren Stringer Ian Oeschger Micah Saul jeffreyharris pycon BrendanEich asadotzler velocityconf karen amanda miller Chris Waterson Pycon Volunteers ees pycon2008 SF Party budmang fubini MarsPhoenix baypiggies