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Processing old demo tapes with SoundBooth while I continue to spray napalm over @loveli's infected PC.
Uh-oh, the cat's face says CAN HAZ PLAY TIEM NAO?
@jonsidnell @Terry_Brown Ever eaten bacon and thought, "This could really use some cheese"...?
Awesome Manhattan Bridge construction pic from 1909:
@snazzydee Hope you land one of them! (assuming you want either of them, of course)
Okay, I know you're all stuck wondering what to buy me for xmas, so I'll remind you where to look:
@slimejam So, it's vegemite-related stench? o_O
Loving how WordPress 2.7 looks. Very posh.
@slimejam I'm using the "Wordpress automatic upgrade"plugin anyway, because I'm feeling lazy!:)
Got out of bed about 9:30, had a bath, getting some brekkie, then gonna upgrade some WordPress installations and remove @loveli's PC virus.
Newcastle is full of mini-goffs/moshers: Slipknot are in town. I tried for guestlist but failed. Bah.
Packing up and heading home until Monday. No more working on Fridays for me this year! :D
@loveli Create a new user account, see how that fares.
I am not dead, despite reports on Rissington :)
@jonsidnell Nah, Rissington demands attention.
Listening to Episode 18 of The Rissington Podcast! http://therissingtonpodcast...


Tara missrogue Hunt Dan Cederholm Molly E. Holzschlag Jeremy Keith Tantek Çelik Adam Liptrot Heilemann Hickensian Norm! Pete Lambert Drew McLellan H Timbo Matthew Pennell Stuart Andrew Disley pixeldiva Steve Marshall Neil Ford luxuryluke Snook Veerle Pieters Paul Boag Stuart Colville Christian Heilmann Craig Leanda Jeff Croft Richard Henry John Gruber Cameron Moll Malarkey Olly Hodgson Andy Budd AlunR Jeffrey Zeldman
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