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@youngamerican Thanks for the christmas card. Those black hairs in the envelope were supposted to be part of Mr. T's holiday mohawk, right?
I'm picking up a quarter of beef tonight. Who knew you could buy so much meat for 25 cents.
@paulgaray still waiting for the snow down here in bellingham.
I've only been at work for one hour and it feels like ten. This is going to be a long day.
Sarah got a little lost and called me for directions. Though tempted, I never once uttered "recalculating..."
I was going to work from home this afternoon, but my computer seems to have other ideas. I'm outwardly frustrated but inwardly rejoicing.
What do I like to see in a jeweler? A long blonde mullet and a friendly wink.
I saw a phone line blowing in the wind and thought only of its wavelength. Once again, engineering has ruined the way I see the world.
It's good when your fortune cookie has no fortune in it, right?
This is like getting a cool new toy at Christmas, but having to wait until January to get batteries.
Humanity first.
Now we can finally go back to TV commercials were some guy with a beard screams about cleaning products!
Thankyou Canadian TV for bringing me election results from Steward and Colbert.
While filling out my ballot last night, I accidentally voted for the wrong candidate, _twice_.
Where has this Seahawks team been all season?
You know you're working for Big Oil when your rental car turns out to be a hummer.
I have to become a business traveller tomorrow. Not excited.
A lot of people didn't show up for work today, not sure why I wasn't smart enough to be one of them.
A case for cohabitation: not having to call your girlfriend at 6:30am and asking her to drive over so you can jump start your car.


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