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RT @djsiry "Why is Cerberus, one of the world's richest private equity firms, begging for a bailout?"
Also--can anyone help me with math here...the Senate voted 52-35 against the auto rescue. Thats 87...where were the other 13 Senators??????
@DetroitVoice Well then they would look too much like criminals....and that's an insult to criminals!
@DetroitVoice LOL--I love it! How about ankle bracelets?????????
@DetroitVoice oops...House to be in session for 137 days.
@DetroitVoice and they only work 137 days of the year!
@DetroitVoice Lame isn't it? I say we make them agree to the same pay rate cut that they demanded of UAW
So many greats lost this year. RIP all
Cerberus will be fine....after all they have Dan Quayle, john Snow and john Breaux as lobbyists!
@MissMotorMouth I call it PC envy......Prescription coverage.
@KickingTires What an indictment of Bush by his own party.
@KickingTires Hopefully Bush will step up to the plate and allow/insist the $14B come from TARP
So I want to know if Senators and Congressmen will agree to no COLA increase as a prerequisite for UAW slashing their hourly wages
Millions of Americans are getting laid off, yet Congress is giving itself a $5K COLA increase Jan 1. WTF??? These guys work 4-day weeks
RT @hondagrrl and Automotive Traveler Boycott Alabama Now website launched
House passes Auto Bailout Bill 237-170. Now it goes to the Senate for debate. 170 voted against it? Huhhhhhhh????????
@jowyang Commemorative plates and coins! This is exactly why I canceled his newsletter. it has simply become telemarketing by email
House Republicans float a proposal requiring autoworkers to agree to a pay cut. Um, I don't recall this provision in the financial bailout
Boycott Alabama products in response to Shelby's attitude towards U.S. incorporated automakers....anyone?
congress asks "What is an American car?" How about one that is built by a company incorporated in the US and subject to US laws and regs?


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