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It's worth mentioning... this week we have seen investment come in and we have hired someone. Not all doom and gloom. :-)
Queuing. Fecking cold. Smell of ciggies. I must be in England.
Working away listening to some awesome music from a new client.
@bronwen I melted my brain in a PhD over that word... along with ontological.
Carol bartz: q: what's my next job? A: your next job is somewhere else.
@mishy101 Can't wait to see the new team funkiness on
Thanks @johnhaining and @dekrazee1: Thought I had that privacy setting enabled ... but I didn't :-)
Getting about 5 Skype IM spam messages a day right now. Anyone else see volume increase?
@nickhac Has #peoplebrowsr been released now?
I want to play World of Warcraft but struggle to find time to eat and sleep. The universe needs balance :-)
@terrycojones I'm coming to #barcelona next week. Would be great to grab tapas again.
@rigesyounan awesome contribution mate. Thanks.
@gustible I welcome the feeds. Definately adds value.
@lachie Oh yes... they have it.
@lachie They will argue that for a moment the routers (which are capable of identifying files) have a 'copy' of infringing material.
Troubling legal developments in the iinet case. Are you as cross as me?
Boy does this make me cross:


Evan Williams Ross Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Michael Parekh Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Kain Morten Lund Mick Liubinskas Norberto Meijome jowel jowel PaulP xavier alan jones Megan McCarthy Stowe Boyd Lachlan Hardy Nic Hodges Robert Scoble ben barren Stephen Collins Andrew.T Terry Jones Adam Schilling dotBen Eric Friedman Hugh MacLeod Peter Wells Jeremiah Dennis Howlett microformats Nivi Brad Fitzpatrick
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