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@facibus it's a good thing for my current project. Helps us get certain messages across.
yay! W3C has finally released WCAG 2.0 -
is working on customising accessibility guidelines for client in context of their working environment. I love this stuff!
power has been cut to our side of the street. won't be back up for another hour! oh noes!
whole street has just lost power.
ooops hit the enter button too early - was trying to get in a good alliteration there.
@facibus @formulate bummer i'm on the bus. oh well time for shopping ;) get better soon @facibus
@formulate we're still ok for 6pm meeting?
is on the bus, wondering who decided that short hair & rat tail hair of teen boys headis a good idea.
Just finished watching 'Judgement Day: Intelligent Design on Trial" documentary. Really interesting! Can't wait to see part 2.
@arbitraryDoll what a cool concept! Got to check it out next time we're there.
Interesting research article on body swapping -
back from Canberra web blast. Thanks to everyone for a good event.
dentist running so late! probably means I can't make it to flickr talk as dentist is cutting into report writing time *grumpy*
reminder: National Library of Australia Digital Culture Talk: George Oates, Flickr - today -
@smperris I've just taken a zyrtec. Hopefully the nose stops running soon.
thinks this is cool - 'scratch input' device
getting ready for dental check and work. Wonders where this runny nose has come from.
Reminder #Canberra and other interested folk - don't forget to register for Canberra web blast -


veen Thomas Vander Wal Dan Saffer Serdar KiliƧ Molly E. Holzschlag Lachlan Hardy Maxine Sherrin Craig Childs Kevin Cheng lisa Tim Riley Derek Featherstone Scott Gledhill Michael Specht that grum guy! Peter Asquith Sarah Russ Lisa Miller Gary Barber drew robinson  Vicki Simone chezza Nick Cowie Stephen Collins magia3e Gian Andrew.T Malarkey leisa Susan MacGillivray Rosemary Lynch Adam Schilling Mike Brown
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