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@nth_degree Indigo in Hyde Park. Past, Pizza, salads. Ranges from "safe" to fun.
BSG Webisodes, baby!
Home again. Getting an episode of Charlie Brown for my daughter
@Crimsonmuse (I intend to have a shotgun (no shells), which I will conspicuoulsy clean in the presence of suitors.)
@Crimsonmuse It ain't for Little Miss Guilt
@Crimsonmuse Seiriously: you need to see this.
Retweeting @danielepfarr: i need a boy who will propose to me with this:
This would be easier if the iPhone, like the Palm, had an option for the phone to overwrite the computer (and not just the other way 'round)
I hate Outlook with the burning pashion of a million suns.
Will five o'clock get here? kthxbai
OK, on this issue, I'm going to avoid responding to anything else until Monday. I'm just going to frustrate myself and upset others.
I need to count to ten a bit more often before answering e-mails.
Hypothesis: The more a company has "training" on new benefits/compensation plans, the less the employees will like it.
@jrizzo Basement is too short, but perhaps your apartment:
@jrizzo We really lack the space, and I have 3 bikes. I got to do a intro to Velodrome class, and caught the fixed bug.
@jrizzo (I want a fixedie, but lack space to store it (that's what Mrs. Guilt says). I'm tempted to go cannondale, for nostalgia.)
@jrizzo Oooohhhh...nice. Would you run it fixed or freewheel?
my sister is pinging me for new MacBook specs (i.e. what she should oder). Dangerous...I'm getting the fever, too.


Starbucks Coffee CNN Breaking News Brett Kelly Jeffrey Munro hotdogsladies Scott Kurtz Brian Ibbott Six Apart Michael Ramm Dave Troy C.K. Sample III Sam Funk Chad Garrett MacRumorsLive Remember The Milk Angel (with an) a Daniel Jonathan Coulton WOXY Library Crom Celia Graterol The FredCast Leo Laporte Andrew Pepper Kyle A Koch VeloNews P. F. Anderson katethegreat David Hewlett Has Cheezburger? Andy Osier boxee
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