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@buckzone Wow, only 2.5 stars for a Will Smith movie. That's pretty surprising.
Well I'm off, goodnight everyone!
@Dee_pntx OMG, WOW, I'm very excited now. Pictures please!
@penguirl I'm a full time web developer/designer and I love it. Have you thought about doing it for a living?
@Dee_pntx What do you do for a living that requires 4 macs? You must have a sweet home office, we need to see some pics!
@Dee_pntx 4 macs? I think I'm in love :-)
@penguirl What is peak? Do you do video editing for a living?
@aftermarketgirl The lockins do suck, but I find them a small price to pay to use some of the GREAT thrid party apps that are available
@aftermarketgirl @Dee_pntx @penguirl So what do Apple and I have to do to convert you three lovely ladies back over to our Mac Cult ;-)
@aftermarketgirl You see what happens. Only one day after we find out there is no Stevenote this year, and everybody jumps ship to Linux :-(
@Veronica Tell them when they are ready to take their games to the next level to send me a text, I'll be there wingman ;-)
@penguirl oh sweetie, where to begin. Just kidding, but I do love my Mac, and Linux just doesn't give me the same liquid sex feel.
@buckzone What is your overall rating of the movie? Is your hubby on Twitter to tell us his thoughts on it?
@penguirl Why learn other distros when OS X is perfect. You don't keep looking once you find Atlantis ;-)
@captainslog I haven't finished yet, but both of the authors had Ph.D.'s
@decaturcomp Anthem? Never hear of it, what is it about? I'm just finishing up Snakes in Suites then moving on to Outliers or the Snowball.
@Dee_pntx Since when are UFOs part of the History channel? Man, they are just hoping for ratings these days.
Has anyone finished reading Outliers?
@buckzone Really? That sounds pretty good. Let me know how it is if you end up getting it.


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