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@barrydahl I would've thrown a few rocks at Check Point, but not the curling kind. Those are too heavy to throw overhand.
@drinfosec That was more my envy than gloating
What? You only have one CIO? I work for 35.
@jack_daniel Ow. We're not quite that slow here in least not in the twin cities.
@sfoak Nah, I'm either a black coffee or dirty chai type. I might get an extra shot because the gal at the near shop gives them to me tho
Our debt is falling! Now get out and spend more, especially on credit, you damn irresponsible Americans!
@sfoak Dunno about you, but I've never walked into a coffee shop, then walked out because there was a dude shooting espresso
@thingles Went to 2.7rc2 last night--same as 2.6.x--without a problem. Didn't use auto-upgrade as I can't get the FTP stuff to work right.
Apparently, dog insomnia equals human insomnia plus a swollen knee, thanks to a slip on an unshoveled sidewalk
Have a little French electro-trash-blues to lift those spirits! Great stuff by Monofocus. Want.
Reading through the leaderboard on @favrd provides continual affirmation that I am not living up to my potential in life, or lack thereof.
@sfoak Montreal isn't in a foreign country... (Canadia, I apologize for my joke at your expense.)
@AinsleyofAttack They'd be less intimidating if they knew you weren't wearing pants, too
RT @RobertFischer RT @gilesgoatboy RT @rubyist RT @CodyKeith RT @damon RT @maddox Twitter has a cancerous brain tumor. Donate now!
@st0rmz The 24-70 f/2.8 is very nice, too, and also heavy. Rented that and 70-200 to photograph a wedding this summer.
@kriggins @st0rmz The Sigma 70-200 and 100-300 seem to give decent performance, but no VR. Not sure if I'd use either often w/o a tripod
@kriggins I would've opted for a (much cheaper!) 50 if I hadn't gone for a D40x, requiring AF-S lenses. (My eye for manual focus is horrid.)
@st0rmz I wonder how good a job DxO Optics does at correcting the 18-200
@dakami Although your love of flashes won't be required with those two lenses :)
@dakami I *really* like my Sigma 30mm f/1.4. High-quality all the way. If you're going for a D90, you can also pick up any 50mm f/1.4.


danah boyd Nick Douglas Brian Brown thomasknoll Jon Bohlinger Alex Hillman Chuck Olsen Jason DeBoer-Moran Simon Crowley photomatt Scott Roberts B.K. DeLong rands Tony Delgrosso J Wynia Aaron Peter Fleck alexisthegirl Kevin Farner Glass taulpaul Jamie Thingelstad Damon C Elizabeth Chuck Rannie Turingan Dan Grigsby John Martz nostrich Joshua Green Allen rstevens Clive Thompson Mike Murray Window Snyder Greg Swan hotdogsladies Margaret Andrews
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