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Josh passed license!!!!! out.... plurk is way more fun
cant sleep
does anybody know of or use free writing software apart from YWriter?
@morgainSwann yeh it has everything there... find it?
@morgainSwann try the twitterwiki
first time i've twittered through my phone... 3 has a pretty good system
crap, forgot i have a uni exam in ten minutes.. how lame
Essential Guitar tools: i hate to ask, but if you culd digg that I may get on digg front page 4 the first time
do people think less of you for having a .info domain?
I have ubuntu..... now what? why would I use it over Vista?
screwed my site again
SPAM ALERT! wahhhh..... wildfire game: check em out
sighh monday
hmmm mediocrity
is tired of reading about twitter
in love with live photo panaramic feature
I just realised..... millions of people already twitter in a way .... with their facebook status'


Robert Scoble Jason Mayoff MakeUseOf Gareth Colin Walker Shankar Ganesh MG Siegler Shawn Morrissey AJ Vaynerchuk Mark O'Neill Travis Quinnelly Darren Rowse Lee Cohen Nicolas Lierman Jackson Dan Shust Dave Drager Eric Martindale vanelsas digsby Mackenzie ThommyB Matthew Blaisdell louisgray remarkablogger popepope alifaan julietl66 penwriter Morgaine Swann digsbies Paul anthonyding Kyle Judkins