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@sherod @michaelneale ...and we've just started to look at it for part of our anti-spam solution
@sherod @michaelneale No one reads javadoc either, but thats cause no f***ker writes the damn stuff ;p (maven makes -javadoc dist easier tho
Watching Obama YouTube videos and have Extreme's "When I'm President" song running thru my head.
Wondering where the *($&)#(* electrician is :( *looks at watch*
Stuck in traffic heading towards symonds st.. This best be a stunning accident
@audaciousgloop if you find out let me know as I have some old computer bits I want to dispose of as well.
"Save as..." is a new feature of Netbeans Milestone 1 - - something about that just makes me laugh.
@sherod more the mouse wheel/nipple has issues more than anything
Anyone have recommendations for a blue-tooth mouse for OSX that doesn't suck (aka Mighty Mouse)? when asked about christmas, both Slayer and Enslaved mention "dead jesus" and "the bloody cross" -thats Easter idiots.
Destroy the Runner release free rapcore christmas jingle "Destroy the Jingle" - - much prefer the Theocracy tune
With the demise of Ravis Mission Bay I'm giving Jewel of India another try - sadly I don't think I'll be going back :(
Ug - evil gurgling/groaning noise emminating from hot water cylinder, on investigation the sounds of boiling water and burning air... eep
Home from the beach and sun with friends.
Latest IT Crowd ep most excellent - I want a FriendFace account.
@joshmarinacci Hrm - I didn't realise there was an svg converter - I installed Netbeans/JavafX and saw nothing mentioned - I shall go lookin
New Lamb of God single for free download (signup required thou) - http://dev.roadrunnerrecord...
So it turns out I didn't sleep thru as much of Quantum of Solace as I thought I had - which is a pity, cause the movie kinda sucked for me


Steve Jenson Xeni Jardin Mr Messina Michael Jason Calacanis Dan Dan Diephouse Ben G Charlie Zadi Diaz Lachlan Hardy Michael Koziarski Tom Coates  C.C. Chapman Robert Scoble Ted Leung photomatt Peter Asquith Justine mikeforbes Kris Lane Simon Lieschke Ludwig Wendzich Novia rands Dan Lurie Nick Starr Stephanie Booth cote Peter Wells Kevin Marks Andrea Ewan Spence Suw James Cox Andrew Garrett
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