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Just heard a train here in the Inner Richmond... Wait.. There are no trains here in SF.... What was that????
Mmmmm, calamari, roasted veggies, etc were good... but it's kind of difficult to eat. At least I'm not still eating pureed foods though ;)
@jof & I at our favorite restaurant w/ @cluna. Good friends+good food+less pain+learning that my Mom's coming out to SF= happiness. :) :)
I'm feeling much better today... Dare I say... better than before my surgery! Hopefully it lasts. :) Happy belated Thanksgiving, everyone! ♥...
I think I *may* be coming out from underneath the buses that ran over me on Thurs (ie 12 hrs of general anesthesia). Yay! Back to bed now ;)
I'm aaaalive! After 12 hours of general anesthesia, I kind of feel like a bus ran over me.
Can't sleep! My own bed would be really nice right now. Also would like to feel my lips, thanks!
Wow. This nurse is seriously overworked. I feel bad for her.
Ran errands all day. Xrays, RX's, etc. Early start time. Have to be @ the hospital at 5:30 for 7:30am surgery. Overnight stay then home Fri.
@saviabella Thank you! I'm having dental work, but since I can't open my mouth b/c of my jaw, they have to do it under general anesthesia.
Almost ready for crazy amount of dental work under general anesthesia on Thurs (6AM, yikes!). Excited & naturally a little nervous.
Just had an EKG and my doc was amazed at how well I could control my heart rate. I guess learning to relax bc of chronic pain pays off ;)
@markhawker yes! Very cool.. The world just got a little smaller today (for those of us who use google reader, at least). :)
Migraines lower breast cancer risk: As someone w/ migraines & a family history of breast cancer, this is interesting!
Browsing through the photos of the Otis Historical Archives of the National Museum of Health and Medicine:
@mindofandre I just had some of a Coke in a glass bottle for you. hehe. I could imagine you drooling a la Homer Simpson in my head. ;)
Think I may turn on the gigantic fire thrower (I mean heater) here in the apartment.. I can't feel my feet!
@uberChick The surgery will be in SF. I am lucky to have found one although it's awful that it was this hard. What if I didn't have the $$?!
Surgeon yesterday: surgery in mid Jan.... trying to get in to see special dentist here in SF & then will go home next week-ish.
Can't sleep, massive headache. Making me nauseated. Ugh.


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