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marked difference between diciness of driving at 11:35 vs. 12:10 when I came back from the store. Got popcorn, hot chocolate.
and now it's time to go hording
time to move the cars away from the back of the house, towards the street
snow now starting in Pelham, NY.
how come NY weather predictions only talk about "north and west of the city" and never "north and east of the city"?
I hereby declare a moratorium on all ad spending predictions:
everything's canceled. except work. should be an interesting day.
wow. Didn't know you could devote almost 250 pages to the work of Butler, Shine, Stern. And I'm not even counting the bonus DVD.
anyone know what the percentage is on the so-called "iPod tax"?
@ShannonNelson can be hard to tell, though I think you're asked to become a "fan" at official sites rather than a "friend." sorta cultish.
On behalf of his 10 million followers, happy birthday Brian Morrissey.
pleased to see you all this morning. Still looking for that freaking awesome column idea
once again cruising for that great Social media Insider column idea....get in touch if you want.
Ad Age's Brian Steinberg just used the word "Adverganza" to describe the Super Bowl ad fest. Should i sue?
@nudd "jizz"? "Jazz"? either way not somethin' youn want the 4-year-old singing.
love this headline: "Gloom for 2009 tempered by hopes for 2011". In other words, best to spend 2010 under a rock.
@griner hi there folks at Blue Cross in Huntsville!
off to a christmas party for 4-year-olds. spiked eggnog will not be served.
@DaveTitle it's a disturbing trend. For what it's worth, felt I owed my readers some explanation...but get your point.
@DaveTitle was that directed at me?


Robert Scoble Steve Rubel jane g David Burn Barack Obama Ian Schafer David Churbuck Brian Morrissey Bill Green David Polinchock scott goodson maggie fox Sarah Lacy Delta Air Lines Matt Mantey Max Kalehoff Masha Geller CEO -Tony John McCrea Avi Dan Alan Wolk AdFreak Dunkin' Donuts Stephen T. Colbert David Griner Tim Nudd ShannonNelson Tanyairwin Frank Eliason AdEase David Title Kevin Burke mkparsley buchanan13 newstex JWT_Cannes_08