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wishing all my friends at yahoo either job security or a healthy severance package. good luck!
bye bye oj
procrastinating - which seems to be a common theme for me this week
Creepiest feeling? Seeing your front door unlocking from the outside when everyone is home. Best feeling? Realizing it's housecleaning day!
feeling very namaste - about to get my ghetti on and settle in for the season finale of gavin and stacey. tidy.
instantiation is my new favorite word even though i don't understand what it means or how to use it in a sentence
I know what I need to do, I have a plan in place to get it done, but I can't seem to get started. Today i wish i had an office with a door.
Returned home in record time! Stopping at bay cities deli before we crash and veg for the rest of the day.
120 miles in and we've hit our first pack of traffic. 2 back to back accidents in paso robles.
On our way back to LA listening to Artie Lang's Too Fat To Fish. 337 miles to go.
satiated from hamburgers and smores
Yahtzee! +50 for me
@JeffHolsey says it looks like Fallout on the freeways. We are the only ones driving on Thanksgiving morning.
Grown men should not wear overalls
just realized that some of my closest friends aren't listed as Favorites on my iphone contacts, but California Chicken Cafe is
What Is this strange condensation falling from the sky?
It's a good thing I was born a girl because football and video games couldn't be less interesting to me.
getting organized and transitioning a bunch of work to a new employee - it's been a good day
i miss quotes of the day. just overheard AT WORK if you weren't so into chicks, i totally would be into you.
327 days into 2008 and we finally have winter weather in Santa Monica. Let's hope it doesn't last.


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