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@tobite I resonate with that. I lost mine in my parent's divorce and I'm trying to keep my kids from losing theirs.
is sitting next to two women talk about their plastic surgery experiences. Interesting.
is sitting in a coffee shop drinking a rich latte and chatting with a good friend.
is watching Tropic Thunder. Funny stuff.
is bummed because my fantasy team is tearing it up AFTER I get eliminated.
is feeling behind on stuff. Maybe it's the rain.
@kinnon sound like a fun Sunday.
is wondering why seeing people get hurt on television (like in football - think Joe Theisman) hurts to watch.
is kind of pissed because my DVR didn't record the Sharks record run to 50 pts. What's technology coming to these days. ;-P
spending the day with my kids.
just finished steak and shrimp. Yum.
is realizing for the first time in a long time Christmas doesn't feel like a burden.
is watching the Sharks kick the Ducks butt.
@aaronmonts protect the dignity of those you are working with.
enjoying a Mirror Pond with Jeromy.
@bob5 Uh hello. Are you kidding?
just perusing some old high school photos. Wow. Feels weird.
@makeesha I know what you mean. I did yesterday and I was holding my breath.
@aaronmonts That's blasphemy brother. ;-P Nothing is like Peets.