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is watching the Packers eat it
is watching all of Australia's episodes of Top Gear.
I have no apartment now, and I need a place to live by Oct 31. Please help!
Hey, I found an awesome place in the Financial District, but I need a roommate ASAP to rent it. Let me know if you know anyone.
"nucular?"... Why don't people say "atomic" anymore? It sounds cooler and it's harder to mispronounce.
Loud cars, loud people, loud sirens. It's so good to be home.
is waiting...waiting...waiting at Charles de Gaulle. Can't wait to go home.
is still a little skeptical of Palin, but so far likes what he reads.
Who the heck is Sarah Palin?
Twittering with my new iPhone
I'm shooting a 48 hour film right now. Follow our team updates @roughcut
@tonybgoode Hey, I was at the Telectroscope last night too around 11:00
Yum. Teriyaki Boy.
It's 93 degrees out there. outage drives share price down 4.1%. Still out. Hemorrhaging money.
Motorola S9 review: Looks cool, wireless is nice. But uncomfortable, & bluetooth next to my brain stem felt like it would give me cancer.
just ordered pizza online. That was wierd.
is getting ready for Game 6. Who knew hockey was so much fun.
@tonybgoode Possibly. Schedule's pretty wonky right now. Send me an email and let me know what you have in-mind.
@tonybgoode What if you want to coworketh-upon something that nothing to do with your regular work?


naveen Christopher Ware kym CNN Breaking News Adam Kevin Rose Armistead Booker Mike Hudack amber mac Dina Kaplan Brian Egge Bill Cammack Darren Rowse Krista Farmer J.D. Roth Michelle Paolillo Tony Jones Fast Company Tony Bacigalupo Mur Lafferty Jeremy David Eric Rochow Leo Laporte Colleen Eddy David Cohn Luke Berg raul rojas Matthew Semel Henry Blodget Allon Scheyer MacHeist Eric Nehrlich flocker petecashmore