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@redkatblonde if double A-ron doesn't have his shirt tucked in I'm comin down there and kickin his ass
My Mom brought me cookies! I bet even when Im 70, I'll feel 13 around my Mom
@queercincinnati ill give you that, those guys HAVE issues
@queercincinnati straight guys don't have issue, we just want dinner on the table, and if theres problems, we don't want to know about it
@amyscalia I think you're way too easy on @veganjacob BTW, love the pic from the Office Party
@KristaNeher twitter or @tweetdeck should come out with an elegant way to enbed tweets in a web page
@veganjacob WUT!! what kind of Nazi do you work for anyhow?
@veganjacob did you finaly wake up? the estogren was makin me giddy last night
Behind every successful man is half dozen women beating him with sticks and bars. Not totally undeservedly either
Introduced to a DCI staff member as "one of the most influential Cincinnati bloggers" over the top? yes BUT she already knew who I was!
@ToplessRobot I thought you'd appreciate those
I wonder if @toplessrobot has a set of these, either way I want them too.
@michellelentz beer, its not just for breakfast anymore
last night I'm at a table full of girls, across the room Justin Jeffry is a table full of guys 5chw4r7z-1 washed ex popstars -0 SCORE
@bshermcincy good analogy thanks. the only thing I do with FB is get spammed with flowers and bling. I'm not a power user at all
@bshermcincy apparantly anything I can do on twitter he can do better on FB, I'm no FB expert, so I'm open to skoolin here
@bshermcincy he was trying to sell us on facebook, I said who uses facebook, everyone that matters he said. OOKAAYYYY then


Michael Parekh Satan Mr. Guilt Erica Minton C.K. Sample III Joe Sam Funk Jackie Danicki Bud Caddell  Chris Bergman Barbara K. Baker Kevin Dugan Blake Fox liz foreman Tony Pierce katethegreat Jeff Nolan BNO News Michelle Lentz Pete Blackshaw Florian Seroussi Rob Bennett CEO -Tony Jesse Nachtigal Missy Jacqui Killen Girlfriendology Krista Neher Brian Monahan Guy Kawasaki Michelle hellogerard Katy McGreevey Brandon Henson Steve Nixon Kelly Hudson
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