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@doshdosh thanks for those articles. very good reading, especially the top 13 facebook hacks. i will NOT be using any of those!
deciding what to do with my suddenly free evening :)
hallelujiah: twitter's no longer blocked @ work!
@imnico re podcamp: yay! come visit :)
organizing my digital music collection
having coffee and reading
just finished eating Ashley's ice cream -- half pumpkin, half gingersnap. If you have ever been to Shoreline CT, you know!
@imnico...just passing through ;)
http://medianoche.wordpress... -- let's see how many people do not read it!
looking for my friend's mailing address to send a SNAIL MAIL xmas card...because my mom really wants me to. so i will.
staying home today...stress = migraine
Thanks Facebook! Twitter's blocked @ work but you aren't, so here I am...back Twittering after a long lay-off. Hello all you Twitter bud ...
yay nico!
wth? reporting that Barack Obama's put placed in protective custody of the U.S. Secret Service
eating dinner, watching CSI, and listening to the thunder
playing with wordpress's tag cloud widget
@andycaster: thanks! i will check that out
trying to figure out why my htaccess and htpasswd files aren't working in the directory i put them in!! *__*
cooking a total "i need downtime" mood for the last, uh, two weeks. *shrugs and points remote at TV*


Paul Terry Walhus  C.C. Chapman Reinier Meenhorst Nico Tikkihotdog Christopher Penn Andy Bilodeau Stuart Miller Davor Prcovich Marc Jehovah-One Maki