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So para quem nao sabe, o equivalente a Bolo Rei no UK sao Mincemeat Pies. Sim, sao tartes doces a base de carne com passas misturadas.
@guspim: Now you know how I feel. Sometimes more than 1 time a day.
@guspim: can't stand Hot Chip. They played their latest album EVERY FREAKIN' DAY on a clients office for about two months.
@naovouporai: bah argumentistas com Mommy issues
Damn. Stock Markets plunge... AGAIN. When is this going to stop?
@naovouporai: yah, mas e Laaaame. C'mon, no fim era so matar um dragao que os outros quinavam todos? Pfff
@naovouporai: se estivesses aqui tacava fogo ao teu casaco p me aquecer, eh eh
Finished watching "Happy-Go-Lucky" on my commute. Nice dialogs but almost empty plot.
@naovouporai: you're laughing at my misfortune? :)
@tonyvirtual: I know. But youtube took it down, that one and every copy of it. Can't find it anywhere. neither vimeo, daily motion, sapo
Woke up with a sore throat. Damn. And I was so careful with my vitamins and clothing.
Absoluetly f*cking cold today. There's ice everywhere. No snow though.
Damn you Youtube. Now where the hell can I find a video of the Coldplay / Satriani thing? Bah!
@briansuda: maybe the logic behind it makes it easier to remember? Like a mnemonic?
Just spotted a Dell Mini in the train home. That thing is gorgeous and comes with a HSDPA chip built-in.
@briansuda: On windows mobile is just two clicks away (just by clicking on the clock). Something they had to do right. :P
From @tinkerbell_pt: When some1 gonna be sacked but's still in the notice period he's goin on a "Garden Leave" LOL


Biz Stone Evan Williams veen Xeni Jardin Colin Schlüter om peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Dion Hinchcliffe Mark Wubben Scott Beale Jason Calacanis Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek João Antunes Fred Oliveira victor zambrano Molly E. Holzschlag brady forrest ____E Nelson Delicado Pedro Chichorro Simone Brunozzi Stowe Boyd José Marques Thomas Purves Kevin Cheng Jeremy Keith Alex de Carvalho Brian Solis Ian Forrester Tantek Çelik Hickensian Joshua Kaufman Derek Featherstone
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