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Some people sleepwalk, some people talk in their sleep. Apparently some people also sleep email :)
Ha ha ha. Internet Exploiter is finally living up to its name.
@lawjick Vigilante Justice of the Taliban. One heroic Taliban's quest to bring the true justice to the streets of America.
@lawjick @psyfallen Hey, look at my recent tweet about my webcomic. What's your opinion?
Oh, then Twitter + Digg + Reddit + Stumbleupon +Youtube channel + Blog. 2 days for the social sites, 2 weeks for the blog :p
@martin001 Twitter + Digg + Reddit + Stumbleupon +Youtube channel + Blog. 15 minutes for the social sites, 45 for the blog. Easy.
@masuga Expandrive + Textmate = Match made in heaven. That's what I'm doing right now.
Rocking out to Dirty Laundry by Don Henley on my Foreigner Pandora radio station. Yeah, baby.
I'm going to start a web comic. What is better: "Vigilante Justice of the Taliban" or "Frontier Justice of the Taliban"?
Does anyone know what the best webcam is for shooting tutorials? The Logitech thing we have at work is SOO laggy.
@Malarkey How often does an H6 tag get used? It's like Toby from the Office. It just sits there and gets no respect.
Purposely built a website that latches ONTO Wordpress. Now I have to pull it INTO Wordpress? Well, better get to work.
@jimmygle Alas, Chrome on a Mac is yet to be a fulfilled dream of mine, stainlessapp notwithstanding.
@xof7 Well, 52 as a personal record is only as good as my memory can recall. I might have blacked out at one time from too many. I dunno :)
A new record! 52 tabs open. And I wonder why Firefox runs slow sometimes
I'm a tab magnet, man. "You have 37 tabs open. Are you sure you want to close this window?"
So EE is more related to Drupal than Wordpress. Gotcha. But I thought that EE is built on CI?
@jimmygle Is EE better than WP? I like Code Igniter, but haven't used it much. What say you?
Does anyone have a link of Google stating that following web standards is better for search rankings?
@splorp I've been using the beta of Versions for a while. What's your op? Is it worth the dough? It sure is pretty :)


Jared Benson Dan Cederholm Sarah Lewis Tantek Çelik Veerle Pieters Grant Hutchinson Cameron Moll Malarkey Stephen Coles Jeffrey Zeldman Joe Clark Mike Davidson Khoi Vinh microformats Eric A. Meyer Simon Collison Adaptive Path Veer Joe Pemberton Steven Frank Zara Evens Dave Shea Six Apart Tiffany Wardle Jim Coudal anji bee Wil Wheaton Jason Kottke David Conrad Jimmy Gleason Terry Bain Matt Cutts Maki Jeff Starr Punchcut Ryan Masuga