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First class upgrade! Booze and comfy seats!
just sitting here noting the translucent whiteness of my skin. The carribean sun may make me burst into a ball of flames.
the dude next to us is a dead ringer for peter saarsgaard. This is a good bar.
Huh. I guess my vacation has officially begun. Feels so strange to start to relax and let stuff go.
@Knownhuman But in this case. I think you're right. I'm gonna git me a bottle of wiiiiiine.
@Knownhuman What are you trying to do to me? If I lived by that rule I'd be in a LOT of trouble (or possibly in a ditch somewhere).
I want a bottle of wine.
Christmas shopping for my father. One of the years' most dreaded activites.
@MyohMy23 Just keep moving forward and you'll eventually see it.
I'm seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. It's so bright and beautiful.
That sandwich totally rocked me.
Gotta start thinking about what I'm going to eat today before I pass out.
For the love of God, please show your support for @anniemal. She's been nominated for a Shorty award. Vote here:
Sometimes I like to pretend that I'm Mary J Blige.
So much to do so little time to do it.
"John and Kate Plus 8" is on in the background while I work. It's stressing me out. Kids scare the shit out of me.
Hangover sleepies are setting in.
Oh God. Why God.


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