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Our little Larrye cat is still sick. Headed back to the vets to see about getting some xrays and blood work.
New from Teckh: Free Redbox Movie Rentals
Back from the vets. Vet can find nothing wrong. Cat is still not himself though. Hopefully just something minor.
Our little Larrie cat is not well so we made a trip to the emergency vet.
Testing GMail's SMS feature. Sent a message a few minutes ago and its has not arrived on my phone yet.
Does anyone still use Limewire? Is it still full of Junk files?
Chrome is out of BETA - that's great and all but where is the Mac version Ihave been waiting for?
Posted my xmas gift package back to the UK today. Should take 6-10 days.
@crazeegeekchick Thanks for the link to the Xmas tool - worked great for me.
I am excited for Firefox 3.1 to be released officially. The mac trackpad gestures look awesome.
Updated Macbook Pro Firmware. The internal fans went crazy for the 10 seconds in took to update.
@seanelavelle maybe its trying to tell you something?
@seanelavelle huh? I always wondered what it would look like if I let me pocket twitter for me :) Now I know.
26,000 uniques on in the last month, up from 14,000 a couple of months ago.
@crazeegeekchick is that your home service? I wish we had that option here. My 15 is almost as fast as we can get up here.
@crazeegeekchick now thats just so much better than mine! You just ruined my day :)
Oh thats a nice speedtest -
New Metallica Video is pretty cool. Russian Zombie concept -


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams sara Alissa Blaine Cook Jason Goldman Jason Shellen Maggie Mason Mack D. Male om Dave McClure Andrew Crow Mr Messina Paul Terry Walhus Kathy Johnson Martin Hall Jeremy Hubert Scott Beale Aubrey Sabala (jeff)isageek Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Daniel Johnson, Jr. Lise Justine   christine Corey Pudhorodsky Chris Brogan Graham English Bill Palmer Becky McCray Veronica Belmont Brian Clark Doug Haslam Jim Long
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