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4:14pm. hungry. foraging .
90 seconds i won't get back. Altho, the churros are going to go big this fall.
reengaging with css (2.1)
who was it that decided thumbnails are 75 x 75 pixels? Mine look bigger, and not square.
tech pulse signal to noise ... ~~ ... mostly noise :-(
@jhstrauss - and they are always named "otis"
michael phelps is my hero. nbc tells me so. yeah to michael, boo to nbc.
of course, now it stops.
why o why is twitter double dipping on my updates?
spent day w/ knee elevated. reading code. breaking firefox whenever i touched it.
spent day w/ knee elevated. reading code. breaking firefox whenever i touched it.
feeling qwerty today
feeling qwerty today
meant to update twitter with something else, but am now wondering about j.grubb and LA.
where's missy?
awake. fed Sol. am online. talk to A.M. at 8.
awake. fed Sol. am online. talk to A.M. at 8.
filing bugs
doing unit testing... inches look ok. meters are a bit long today. degrees C are up against the dollar.
i find it difficult to attend things that I'm not aware of


Holger Joe Hayashi heidi Scott Bradley Horowitz patrick barry J-Strizzle Lee J Parry ian c rogers Marco Boerries George Grinsted Jeremy Zawodny Jonathan Grubb Chad Dickerson Sam Pullara daniela jorge cynthia johanson Marc Davis melanie westlake joe kevin driscoll Gustav Söderström Rodrigo Lopez Ojas Rege ash_patel tomw cstivers78