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Love it how Twitter doesn't allow me to post from its own site, lol
@channilein I just got through with it this morning. It's a wonderful novel! I so want to read the sequel, if there was one :D
@speedyconkiwi lol! So you sold your soul to ceiling cat?
first day off and I'm sick :(
phew, holidays at last.
yay, a comment from someone MIA for quite a while just made my day :D
@Dinzla @muserine Joystickfresser and I posted this like twitter-years ago :P
@muserine have you beaten it yet? I didn't get through Spring the last time I played it :(
it's never too late for pizza
@channilein I read the first pages of "In the Country of Last Things" today. It's really captivating! Thanks again for the recommendation :)
@DeviLizious hehe, I've not fallen that deep yet :P
@Ralfonzo83 and together with another guy, I was given a bottle of sparkling wine by the prof, because we corrected him in one lecture :D


Kazzart Joanna Barbara TC TubeRavers Paul Allen TalieJ Aeric Winter Palpitatio Cordis Angharad J ataraxicstorm Sarah Joyce jackdanyells Tony Huynh jetemple DeviLizious Kiwi Ally Tavin paisleyduck re sarah Abby Ogier KarenAlloy Cataglyphis Alex Tony muserine Ralfonzo channilein René Zebidee TheRavenOfPoe Dreinundzwanzig André