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New 250 GB hard drive, first full Time Machine backup of MacBook. I feel so virtuous.
@howardowens The Colonial press of 1770s Boston was essentially a form of citizen journalism. And that wasn't the first instance, either.
@ctanowitz Watched you in Bill Lancaster's documentary on journalists and bloggers. You're the star, man.
Trying to make sense of the Tribune bankruptcy for my Guardian column. If you've got any good links, please pass them along.
The long, grim march continues. Today: Edit 4 more J2 projects, and then (maybe) catch up with my Web students' blogs.
@JoeDavison Anything from shooting/editing/uploading low-end video to interacting with readers who comment on your blog. All-inclusive.
@ericconvey You may find that Twitter is more useful than you had assumed. See how others are using it. Not just "what are you doing."
@kristin_mcgrath You are very kind -- thank you. Hope all's well with you. DK
Five specific, teachable online skills every young journalist should know. What do you think? Please send me your thoughts.
Turns out @mpl1025 was tweeting class presentation by @universalhub. Check it out.
Just had an excellent class at Northeastern with Adam Gaffin - a/k/a @universalhub - as my guest speaker. Thanks, Adam!
WaPost piece on limb-lengthening, though well-executed, sends a message that people with dwarfism need fixing.
@jayrosen_nyu I didn't know myself until a couple of days ago. Anyway, here you go:
@dangillmor It did, then it didn't, then it did again. I've switched to a Technorati search, but that's not very satisfying, either.
@SwimminHole You're right; missed that. But outlandish anchor salaries strike me as the heart of the piece, and there are very few examples.
Neal Gabler: Modern GOP's true founder and most enduring model is McCarthy, not Goldwater or Reagan. Brilliant
@tishgrier If Kristol provided links, he'd appear more absurd than he already does. Even if he turns out to be right, there's no proof yet.
Authorities can stop trying to solve the Mumbai crimes — Bill Kristol has already done it for them.
How can NYT do a story on local-news anchors being laid off without reporting how much some of these folks make?


Andrea Mercado Doug Haslam Steve Rhodes Twitterrific Bryan Person Steve Garfield Rick Burnes Ethan Zuckerman Alex Howard Howard Owens David S. Bernstein Simeon Margolis Kaizar Campwala Robin Lubbock WBUR Doc Searls John Dickerson Soren Dayton Adam Gaffin Mark Glaser Dan Gillmor Matt Collette Jeff Inglis H2otown Steve Outing Chuck Tanowitz johnwilpers bmitch salemnews Boston Phoenix vincrosbie Keith Hopper John McQuaid Andrew Dunn Peter Chianca Greg Reibman