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: Please help us sell our house!!! ------>
: Please help us sell our house!!! ------> http://123penhale.wordpress...
and Anne Marie are drawing up a plan to sell their house
had an interview, played a concert, wrote a paper, and got some marks back. It was a good weekend. (sorry, will announce concerts in future)
played a concert, wrote a paper, and got some marks back. It was a good weekend.
wants to know if you wrestle with doubt ---->
did a truss rod adjustment without the assistance of a chiropractor. (it's ok if you don't get it... other musicians think it's funny)
is helping Olivia put new strings on my guitar. ;-)
just put up a new post about Tim Keller--->
:Olivia says that when Opa dies he's going to see God and Jesus and Joseph and Mary... but not the chickens, because they're in our bellies!
loves candy, but also loves his teeth. One of them will have to go.
is writing his term paper. What is up with Microsoft and their crappy software?!?! Microsoft "Word" (rhymes with "turd")
is still thinking about Romans 1:18-25. What do you think? Go here--->
I voted for NoiseTrade in the @mashable Open Web Awards, Music category. Vote here:
: Romans 1:18-25. What do you think? Go here--->
is thinking and writing about Romans 1:18-25. Your insights are welcome. (mail to or start a comment thread here)
had a busy day of no church (sick girl), make stew, Youth Leaders' meeting, nap... now off to write a term apaper.
is following the discussion here--->
: Faith or works? Find out here --->
: The new Canadian insult ---> "Why don't you go prorogue yourself! That's right, I said PROROGUE!" That's as impolite as we get.


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