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hopefully the automaker bailout has stalled for the last time. AAA need not respond. this one's going to the junkyard.
heading to the "digital family reunion" in a bit. a misnomer. this year is a "union" and next year would be the "reunion" if it occurs again
"scientists extract images directly from brain" finally! now i don't have to upload to flickr anymore
“the time comes upon every public man when it is best for him to keep his lips closed.” - abraham lincoln
so, @queenofspain crashed the #tcot tag? now, nice. ;)
@megsmakeup it's la, jeans are always ok. ;)
@JessicaGottlieb there are quite a few of us in la, but many won't tweet publicly. i met one last nite at eva longoria's restaurant. ;)
anyone wanna predict what our deficit will be in 2012?
@PoEthicSoul well, i was born in the south and lived most of my life in the south. L.A. is a newer thing for me. i miss southerners. ;)
@tweetdeck any thoughts on better group management. when u follow a large number of ppl, adding new users to groups is a slooooow process.
@freedomist stems from chris' worldview that something is inherently wrong with america and anarchy is justifiable. one man's terrorist
@mattsingley mine did! even if it was the old one
had a good time at the bizspark event last night. good to finally meet @mattsingley and @queenofspain. thanks microsoft and techset!
@thedelicious awesome eats this a.m. is that a typical breakfast?
@pinkelephantpun how could someone be jaded about that?!


Wayne Sutton Mack D. Male Matt Cutler michael lambie Manuel Viloria caleb Jason Calacanis RobertMichaelMurray Manuel Russ Thornton David Barnes John Roberts Christopher Savage Chris Brogan Whitney Hoffman Michael Bailey Robert French Jim Long Kuanyin Moi Ryan Stewart Alex de Carvalho Brian Solis Antonio Altamirano Stuart Karen O'Brien Raanan Avidor Howard Greenstein Ray Garraud Ian Davies Kent Starbucks Coffee Brett Nordquist Michael Biven the Domestic Diva Scott Schroeder Marina Martin
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