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@lisaheindel yeah, that's what I get for turning on the tv in the afternoon. "Why can't a woman be more like a man?" funny stuff, eh?
sing along "I'm getting married in the morning!"
@SalineVance Glad to hear it, Vance! :)
@carimcgee I love that song too. One of my favorite showtunes. It's beautiful.
@SalineVance Howdy yerself! Yeah, I'm smiling. ---> :-D
@DrewFristoe I would love to! She's about to enter the ball. breathtaking.
I'm watching tv in the middle of the afternoon, and if you quickly turn on tcm, you'll get to hear "On the street where you live" sigh
TCB, baby. TCB.
@robhahn That there is entertainment! :)
okey dokey. time for bed. night all.
@YatterMatters ahhh. there's yer trouble- ya need to leave santa a beer, salsa, and dark choc truffles. and now we've come full circle.
@YatterMatters that's right. you show Santa who's boss. :)
@zappos umm. cold pizza is not bad. ya know, as an option?
@YatterMatters santa delivers! but only if you've been nice. so I guess that leaves you out, hmmm? :)
@YatterMatters Yeah, I have nothing but contempt for her. she needs a good smack. (this is a cartoon character... lord) :)
@housechick Mulan. Tinkerbell. Jasmine kinda sorta. annnd that's it. but the guy's... who are the guys? Woody. Buzz... any others?


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