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@tgardner not the strongest, merely the smartest...
to expand your horizons beyond all things social media, here ia fascinating piece about marlon brando
@gturpin very nice tweet there Glen/good luck finding the perfect tweeted link/it is buried amongst flotsam
hey i want everyone to respond to my blog post about twitter-theres only one catch-you have to do it in the form of a haiku
@pchaney hey paul..don't get sad, btw we should talk at some point this week, i have a maybe lead for you
@KathyBoyd that should reduce the amount of resumes in a down economy....
@gturpin i just had a great idea, i should make everyone respond with a haiku about twitter
Ok i decided to write yet another blog post about twitter...why not right?
@AmberCadabra i would like to have the problem of having too much work, at which, i then call my colleagues for help
@jquig99 which is a good point in which you remove you avatar so that we cannot see you...
@mediaphyter what would be the thin? as in shitty posts?
ahhh another tale of Facebook coming back to bite someone in the ass-this time Obama's speechwriter.. will they never learn?
@styletime wtf was that? bait and switch?
@ckieff hell yea it does..Chris it saves me a lot of time, although now I'm waiting for every one of your tweets and links w/ more urgency
Do u read & see every link on here & wonder sometimes-how much am I supposed 2 swallow here? How much should I digest? & how much 2 believe?
How is religion being served by social media? It might be worth looking at. I say that from my purely ignorant lack of knowledge of it & SM


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