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RT TechSoup: Using Facebook for your Nonprofit:
glad the 8:30 wasn't cancelled... you just never know how those things might go! And I only had one cup of coffee too.
it reaaly IS snowing here
RT statesman My fav pic of the night: Behold, Sleet Man: -- TOO cute!!
trying not to notice I'm 1 away from 150 followers. seems like such a small milestone compared to some.
in the interest of being positive, I will add that I'm grateful I had the opportunity to learn how much I dislike php.
if I forgot to say it this month -- I STILL don't like php. There. I feel better now.
I need to wrap up this volunteer stuff and go to sleep soon. Tomorrow is going to be an early, 2 cupsofcoffee kinda day.
will the weather affect my 8:30 appointment in the morning? (sounding hopeful)
@mikeisfli hey Mr. Soundtrack, tell me something bad about Atlanta right now
more importantly, why is it snowing/sleeting in Austin? I was just starting to really like it here
it's almost 10:00. Why is the toddler above me still running and stomping and stomping? (Yes, I really mean stomping and stomping.)
I wonder if any of my coworkers happen to be watching tonight's Law & Order SVU
my facebook crusade worked... now I need a new mission
I've figured out the top 3 ppl I have to see when I go back to ATL. After that it gets tricky.
shouldn't volunteer work be rewarding? or at least fun?
it's raining a lot here in p-ville
Abuse of people with disabilities: Texas is considering closing some of the state’s schools for the disabled...
clearly I have a narrow view of work
and jealous... I hate that I missed the activity @shostetter organized making cards, but today was the only day I had to actually work.


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