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@jeffersonpoole sorts new tweets into that spec. column. That not what you mean? 'Splain please. :) #TCOT
@jeffersonpoole Not sure I understand what you're saying. I created a search column for the #TCOT tag, & when it auto downloads.
@Tojosan I'm tired here too. So can related. Then I've got birthday luncheons the next 2 days, party tomorrow nite. This grammy's tired! LOL
@SouthernPlate I loved the book! I'm trying to offer a variety of gifts - not just things for women, as I know men will be attending too. ;)
@RJ_Medak LOL My birthday party, tomorrow nite. Details here:
Oh, I'm giving away a copy of @problogger 's book as a prize at the party tomorrow. :D
LOL every time you tweet the words Happy Birthday @happytwitday tweets Happy Birthday to you; even if it's not your birthday. hehehe
@cuteangel79 Party is tomorrow from 7 - 8pm central.
What a crazy day! Most of day w/o internet. Clients having issues & needed me. A virtual bday party to prepare for. Yikes! How are YOU all?
@WineGuyKy Thank you. My birthday is actually tomorrow & so is my party! You're invited - as it all of Twitterville. ;)
@jeffersonpoole I prefer TweetDeck myself. :) #TCOT
Reminder: My LIVE birthday bash is tomorrow nite! Everyone gets gifts!!
@_HeatherWilson That is horrible! I'm so sorry - speaks volumes of the character of those children's parents.
Morning Twitterville! A busy day in store for me. How are YOU today?
@mclouthier Yes, have been since yesterday - not getting mail.
@thisguydoug LOL Hey, some of the best designers of women's clothing are men! You don't have to be a woman to sell women's clothing- go 4 it
Note: if you were using the Ozh Dropdown menu for WordPress, deactivate before upgrading to v2.7 - it's not compatible & new menu wont show


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