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O's Digital Brownshirts strike again: supporters appear to be using-and abusing-a tool allowing them to "flag" questions
@solarpowerspork 'A lawyer for Jackson acknowledged that the Illinois Democrat is "Senate Candidate 5"'
@Crevek Yes, the press never mentions the word DEMOCRAT when DEMOCRATS commit crimes so I am labeling DEMOCRAT criminals for them!
So DEMOCRAT Gov. Blogo was offered $ from DEMOCRAT Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. to take DEMOCRAT Sen. Obama's seat ... DEMOCRAT corruption
Who else heard about Candidate 5 and KNEW it was JJ, Jr.?!
@decidedlyright I think Obama chooses his friends about as wisely as the American people chose him to be president
@redbloodedgirl didn't read either book; I guess that was the Blago BO didn't know
the financial crisis has finally hit home: the Arena Football League is in trouble!!!
@spcghst440 requests I give the full quote for effect: too long for twitter so here it is
@AJae Wasn't Obama the one who, in his book, said "I chose my friends carefully..." ?
President-elect Obama isn't corrupt, no, no. He just has corrupt associates from Bill Ayers and Rev. Wright to Gov. Rod Blagojevich. - Rush
"The Messiah, Barack Obama. Jesus walked on water. Obama apparently walks on a cesspool and is untainted by it." -Rush
@imbecile no secret, it's http://www.topconservatives... get on the list and start following people
@adamradman Yes, Friday. On Twitter, shorter is always better, so #NME
@downtheticket #cbb = conservative bloggers briefing @Heritage
@adamradman if he was the 1st 1 to ask a question, I was 2-3 seats to the right next to @kevinbinversie and @crystalclear3 at #cbb
Checking out the CVC - big & ugly - not even worth going to, the Capitol is where its at
@adamradman were you at #cbb today? cuz I was!
@adamradman I just RSVP'd to you for the New Media Exchange on Fri - have you been promoting it on twitter?
"Bloggers are the new Thomas Paines." - Rep. Louie Gohmert at #cbb


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