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"Ideas not coupled with action never become bigger than the brain cells they occupied." - AH Glasgow
I'm slow... took several artists asking me. So, here it is: affiliate sign-up link 4 smARTist Telesummit 2009
@Starrybluesky Tell me, if U don't mind...two things that smARTist '08 did to help advance your art career...
is cooking dinner on my candied apple-red wood stove & plotting the best year ever 4 the only art career conference online or off! Yay Life!
Monday. 12 degrees & I'm outdoors in a wood-fired hot tub, trees bare, snow on the ground, a crow talking. Later a Shiatsu massage...ahhh..
@chrisbrogan Done! RT @Figliuolo Help victims of domestic violence have a better holiday! PLEASE DONATE! & RT
When you think life is getting harder than you want, watch the documentary "Young At Heart." Their performance 4 a prison audience melts U
staring off into space, wondering why I'm trying to work on a day set aside to relax?
@DaveTaylor so why does it have to be "high profile." Isn't the whole point of Twittersites to move horizontally so "interesting" is enough?
@WillieCrawford well, you beat me. I'm 15,221,665th person to sign up for twitter. But who said there were 15 mil on twitter?
So here I am, rockin' out in a Laundromat, and up on stage (yup...a stage) is an installation made of tumbled blue stone, bricks & lit glass
just back from a Laundromat Fashion Show, created from recycled clothes that were left behind over the year-simply fab dahlin'
"This is the earnest work. Each of us is given only so many mornings to do it." --Mary Oliver from "The Deer"
@mattsartjourney The VORP is where I interview all 11 speakers for the smARTist Telesummit in Jan.
"The purpose of art is to wash the daily dust of life off our souls." Picasso
OMG-gushing here about my 11 experts for smARTist Telesummit 2009. They are, to the one, great people w/ smarts & hearts! Thank you ALL!
walking around, completely high from my hour long smARTist VORP. From 1 artist: Just finished listening and quickly signed up. Can't wait!
Don't U think standing on Ur head is the perfect solution 2 butterflies when Ur about 2 speak 2 hundreds of artists?
Preparg 4 2night & realized "quintessential" looks gr8 on paper, but try 2 pronounce it out loud & not trip out!
Goodness, here the smARTist VORP is tomorrow nite & I haven't peeped once about it..what's wrong with me?


Maggie Mason Chris Sacca danah boyd Dave McClure Scott Beale Dan Patterson Don The Idea Guy Chris Brogan Beth Kanter Heath Row Brian Clark Colleen Wainwright Tantek Çelik Leif Hansen miss violet Jeremiah Tamar Weinberg BL Hussein Ochman Todd Martini Steve Rubel Mignon Fogarty Toni Lyn Amie Gillingham Des Walsh Kevin C Mason . Body Barack Obama Rafe Needleman Ariel Waldman Peter Kim john t unger Kim Kim M. Bayne crafts Liz Strauss Terry Starbucker NYTimes: Arts
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