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Doing some random maintenance.
@pipes: a plastic box over the original power socket - nothing too fancy :)
@jasonbrooks: That 7 step process is *definitely* temporary - known bugs, and infrastructure backend we know is lacking. Sorry!
@pipes: which, the cloud? or shutdown? [confused]
Wow! Astoria blocked up the *only* plug socket that I currently know about. Congratulations, they've also lost my business.
@br3nda: we so need to fix that bug. I'll bug @comay till its done...
@albertwhite: inkspace is a *hard* compile on OpenSolaris atm because of dastardly C++
@glynnfoster: I did wonder that too. Surprised they don't just remove the shutdown command or something...
Marvelling at how inconvenient Astoria is to spend a couple of hours over a laptop. Have they not heard of sockets?
This is very, very nice - - Try OpenSolaris online for an hour!
@gnat: envious of you out on the water. Been pondering buying a marine vessel here :)
Want to update from 2008.05 to 2008.11? It's tricky, but Markus' webcast helps -
@jdub: time will soon tell I guess . Think it absolutely has all the potential, and Sun potentially has all the software to do a decent job
Some awesome dudes are stepping up to mirror OpenSolaris 2008.11 - thank you, thank you, thank you!
@jimgris: Sweet, thanks for the context!
@jdub: i wish was a bloody big ISP / backup storage for OpenSolaris. I'd drool of the .Mac equivalent actually. We have the bits
@jimgris: wow, interesting - I'd love a bit more of a translation / english related story about what they do. My .jp is horrible :)
Mirroring instructions for OpenSolaris ISOimages -
@AndrePang: http://net-amazon.sourcefor... might be what you need ... or resort to burglary...
@bytebot: interesting perspective of stability vs time based releases on that article. Very hard to find the right balance...


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