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Watching man cut grass on 2 acre lot with a weedwhacker.
Peru wins world's largest ceviche title:
@nomadicmatt Thanks. Any you'd like me to do in kind?
@nomadicmatt Re. Digg: Cuba & Mumbai pieces on Pulse today. Will e-mail you about news.
@ITPodcast Nothing unless you use it actively.
@sallee58 PS: Under any circumstances, Cuba's always my chance to diet. ;)
@sallee58 Hubby's family lives in Cuba. Food shortages have been bad for them, but won't be for travelers. Shortages also easing now.
@umarket Re. flag @ inauguration: wonderful! Hope they pick you!
Cuba y los Estados Unidos... en el camino hacia amistad??
@evaholland Yeah; sorry it wasn't exactly uplifting.
Oh, life is ugly today! Big project client said "Oh, I changed subject. Now you must rewrite many pages." OMG. Are you kidding me?
@mgallivan I support NPR so I dugg! :)
@TravelPRpro I'll let you know when it's live. It'll be a goody! ;)
@nomadicmatt: You around? I need some Digg help & I want to tell you something fantastic.
@editorswadley I'm writing a blog about the crazy letters I've rec'd from writers recently. Stay tuned--I'm sure you'll have your own!
Netflix could stand to improve its search function.
@evaholland Anything goes in NYC. Just take a look at NY Mag's Look Book.
@editorswadley Amen re. guidelines. And how about just READING the publication first?


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