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Here's a new one for us - the midweek date night. Hubba hubba! What is it they call Wednesdays again?
In Philly. Geno's or Pat's?
the most powerful personal productivity tool in my quiver (next to VOIP)
trying to remember the last time i was on a skateboard and wondering if it's too late
is barely containing his anger at IKEA
has a healthy obsession with signatures on the dotted line (ftw)
@greatwhitewong well bernie's gonna need all the friends he can muster now
Madoff was Made Up. "Ponzi scheme" poised to overtake "Bailout" as most depressing and overused term of the year.
2yo just mastered the "peace" sign. My work is done here.
@jeremymeyers hey thanks for helping me find my glasses
Jesse Jackson. Candidate 5. Jackson. Five. is there any innocence anywhere anymore?
@samhey re: trash compactor - i just heard wookie sounds + lasers in my head
Jon Stewart schooling Huckabee on why Prop 8 is shameful and just dumb. Priceless.
overheard two 40-something media-types running into eachother on Court St. Bklyn: He,"hey you still there?" She, "For now... you?"
@jeremymeyers thanks for the link - best line? "...why don't companies staff initiatives instead of funcational groups?"
@fehmann still remembering our dinner at Rouget's!! did i mention i have a meeting in Philly next week? ;-)
@fjmurray sorry to hear you're still sick. for something bizarre and effective try a neti pot


Xeni Jardin Ross Jason Calacanis Gabe Wachob Robert Scoble Mark Scrimshire Jeremiah Tracy Ruggles Kevin Rose Joi Ito Loic Le Meur Ingy döt Net Barack Obama Rafe Needleman Tom Biro Michael Arrington Socialtext Luke Closs Kris Duggan Adina Mukund Mohan Fred Wilson Eugene Lee Steven Johnson Matthew Mahoney James Cioban Peter Kaminski Jeff Nolan Dan Bricklin QTip Guy Kawasaki Sam Heyworth dakila Michael Arrington michaelido B.J.