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notes Facebook looks pretty dead where he is.
blogged: Type design with the holey spirit
blogged: More time travellers on Facebook
@audaciousgloop Will have to upgrade to 2.7 then this weekend. I had been resisting 2.6.5 because I viewed it as too small an improvement.
noted at Lucire: H&M and Electrolux discuss CSR
noted at Lucire: Nicole Kidman, Ellen MacArthur and others speak on Omega
had a haircut so he can play a blonde, Caucasian, cowardly Nazi nonce* for a recital. (* Might not be a nonce under Austrian law in 1938.)
blogged: Computer forgets screen resolution
spent two hours fixing his computer after it forgot what screen resolutions were available.
@queenofscreen I saw it—totally by chance! Normally I would watch the news over lunch and channel-surfed and got this!
found a use for Twitter: helping a colleague in London find a phone number because he Tweeted a request when Jack happened to be online.
@leebryant You’re welcome! Wish I could track down a proper mobile. Whois gives +61 2 9358-7000 but this belongs to Westfield Malls?
@leebryant Only land line on VisualCV, +61 2 9456-0206 (also gives It’s 9.30 p.m. in Sydney if you have to call there....
@leebryant Could only find email so far,
@leebryant Going on to her blog to see if I can get you a contact number at least.
pulled another George W. Bush impersonation on a Floridian expat.
blogged: What if they cut the budget of Ashes to Ashes?
a trouvé Jean-Philippe chez Twitter: @brandmania
@audaciousgloop I just wonder which poor bastard tests pet food so they can legally claim it’s ‘chunky’ or ‘tasty’ in marketing.


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